Thursday, July 10, 2008

AlbertaViews' one-question survey on universities

AlbertaViews magazine will publish its annual Education issue this September. One of the feature stories, written by U of C professor Harry Vanderlist, considers the autonomy of Alberta's universities. The story asks: How have universities in Alberta changed over the past two decades? What do we want from our universities, and where are they heading?

Please feel free to complete this one-question survey about Alberta's universities. Responses should be sent to

The results will be published anonymously, but if you'd like to make additional comments and will allow AlbertaViews to publish them along with your name, please indicate this.

Q: What should be the main purpose(s) of Alberta's universities?

(Choose up to three; order selected randomly)

a) to be the critic and conscience of society

b) to train workers

c) to preserve knowledge

d) to promote social class mobility

e) to encourage the pursuit of truth

f) to invent useful products/technologies

g) to prepare citizens for democratic participation

h) to be a place to which citizens can withdraw to gain perspective on life

i) to perform research on behalf of the corporate sector

j) to be a place for people to develop fully as human beings (i.e. their hearts, minds and souls)

Additional comments:

Your name (optional):

In order to ensure your response is tallied, please reply within 10 days. Results will be published in AlbertaViews' September issue. Email Ellen Close at, or phone 403-243-5334 with any questions.