Monday, August 8, 2011

Alberta Magazine Publishers Association is Moving Offices

Time for a Move from 17th Avenue
The boxes are piled up along the wall and atop the dollies, and the bright, multi-pastel-hued I Heart AB Mags posters have been taken down with care from the windows. We’ve managed to Kijiji obsolete office equipment (alas, good-bye 300 lb. printer), recycle magazines older than those in doctor’s offices, and box up binder upon binder of Canadian Heritage grant reports. 

You see, it’s time for a move. Our lease is up, space is scarce and we’ve found some new digs just north of the Bow River in Calgary.

The New Office in Kensington
Starting on August 9, AMPA will have moved into a shiny new space in the Kensington district—just a block  from the famously jaundiced, iconic Calgary grease refectory that is Chicken on the Way (I say this all affectionately; I’ve had more than a few chicken dinner snack packs). 

Our new office is modestly larger, which will be a good thing for the staff—at our former location we'd rubbed elbows in our open-concept, shared workspaces. It’s a good thing we all got along so well. 

A New Space for AMPA Members
The extra space will also be good for AMPA members. It will enable us to create a new community resource area: a place where members and the public can access our archive of past magazine issues, a library of reference materials, and view a wall-spanning display of AMPA member publications. There will also be space for members to book and hold small meetings and get-togethers, and for AMPA to host small workshops and webinars.

A Move for a New Era
It’s been five years here for AMPA, a year for me, and I’ve come to enjoy the bustle of 17th Avenue. Still, it seems appropriate for AMPA, which has been growing and changing with its membership, to make its move now: a symbolic start to a new era.

If you’re in the neighbourhood, please feel free to stop by. The chicken fritters are on us.
--- Andrew Mah
AMPA Acting Executive Director